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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Meal No. 3685: Baked Herbed Chicken Thighs

Saturday a week ago, it was a delightful night of good food and fellowship with Amy and Gern and Kristen and Mookie. I was in the mood for a standard meat and two sides, so we had oven-baked herbed chicken thighs, roasted hoisin whole green beans, and red-skinned mashed potatoes with sour cream, chives, and bacon. It was a full enough plate with thighs bodacious enough that we each only needed one...but that's the key to partaking of more of those mashed potatoes, right?

Earlier that day, we got to witness the dismantling of the tower crane that had been central to the construction of the new Fourth and Green apartments, about a block from the house. Having been erected on another picture-perfect day, in early May 2023, I guess its 15-month tenure on the westside skyline has now ended.

"Oven Baked Chicken Thighs," from Joanna Cismaru of


SilverSwan said...

I have never once considered how those cranes get to or leave a site. Very cool lesson. Thank you.

Ray said...

Imagine the fright factor of a NYC skyscraper crane...this seems smallfry in comparison!