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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Meal No. 3669: Sous Vide Chicken Souvlaki

The grilled chicken stored away in the freezer for a few days, and the sous vide immersion circulator to bring it back to life; a couple of flatbreads in the cabinet; the rest of that delicious tzatziki sauce still hanging around in the fridge; the last of the tomatoes and additional hearts of romaine I'd bought waiting to be utilized; and always plenty of onion to wasn't hard to have a second round of souvlaki on Wednesday night as the city braced itself for whatever the remnants of Hurricane Debbie were to bring us.

That morning I grabbed this photo of the calm before this storm, showing that it was a mostly grey day although we welcomed the break in the heat and appreciated the gentle advance breezes:

Based on "Chicken Souvlaki and Greek Salad with Tzatziki Sauce," from the blog of Kitchen Art: The Store for Cooks (West Lafayette, IN). [Published 25 June 2015]

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