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Friday, August 9, 2024

Meal No. 3667: Grilled Porterhouse Steaks

The formative experience of a childhood and youth where we ate a lot of steak has me hardwired to love it still, even if I have cut back these last few years on the frequency with which it appears. Large porterhouse slabs hot off a sizzling grill were a welcome sight on Monday night, though, when a decent enough sale put them in reasonable reach. A nudge past the ideal temp but still tender and juicy, start to finish felt like a lengthy undertaking given how much meat there was, and how indulgently I wanted to enjoy it. I also decided to try a variation with the potatoes on the side, cutting them like thinner less-wedgy steak fries, with ample spicing and a crisped finish in the oven. I might be down with those again soon, given how close to fried they turned out without the mess and unhealthy fat of cooking them in oil.

"Oven Baked Seasoned Steak Fries," from Kendra Murdoch of Six Sixters' Stuff. [Published 19 July 2021 / Updated 19 January 2024]

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