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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Homemade Choco Tacos

Back on August 24th, some people thought the occasion of National Waffle Day ought to be celebrated with, you know, waffles. Belgian, American, Liege, Eggo, or whatever, but surely served with plenty of precious maple syrup, a hefty pat of butter, and perhaps bacon or sausage. Not at the Roediger House, buddy. Instead, the occasion was transformed into a waffle of a different sort: the kind that is the starting point for an ice cream cone or, in my case: the waffle sugar cone taco shell for homemade Choco Tacos.

Would you just look at those? I made them, and they turned out pretty good! Here's a telling photo of how that was achieved, thanks to a waffle cone maker, an excellent recipe, and a bit of parchment wrapped around that beautiful Roediger House carving board gifted by dear Oklahoma friends:

Let me be clear: choco tacos are not my thing. It's a discontinued product and its disappearance apparently made some people sad, but not only was I not in line for choco tacos when they were still being manufactured, I'm not even that much of a fan of any kind of ice cream cone. I was always the guy at the ice cream parlor who asked for his scoops in a cup. Since that Saturday night was another great gathering of the most regular crew of regulars here, though, I thought: why the heck not? It was an imperfect exercise but not the failure I had feared. The waffle shells were a bit delicate, the ice cream was a bit on the soft side, and the chocolate shell I made may also have been a bit thin. I did a poor job of adorning them with crushed peanuts. The real question we should ask ourselves, though, is: was it a fun sweet treat that night? Absolutely. Messy as heck, but nonetheless quite likely to get a repeat performance here...and a successful adventurous maiden voyage of another variation from the norm.

"Sweet Milk Ice Cream," published in the King Arthur Flour catalogue some years ago, but the recipe is no longer available on their website.

Waffle Cone Taco Shell based on "Homemade Choco Tacos," from Lexi Harrison (with Beth Sinclair) of Crowded Kitchen. [Published 16 June 2024]

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