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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Meal No. 3665: Beef Short Rib Quesadillas

It was a boys' night last Saturday night at the Roediger House, and it called for something manly and gruff. Ever since I had a brisket quesadilla at East of Texas, just to the south of downtown, in a lunch meet-up with an education colleague over the winter, that delicious creation has stayed on my mind. I thought I would give it a go with beef short ribs, of which I am quite fond as well. With caramelized Vidalia onion and red bell pepper, along with some minced jalapeño, and almost enough cheese, the beef was well-supported in its starring role. A bit of salad with southwestern Caesar dressing, plus plenty of sour cream, and we were well-set for a tasty platter of grub.

Preparation and cooking based on "Quesadillas for a Crowd," by Morgan Bolling. In Cook's Country, August/September 2015, p. 18.

Beef short ribs adapted from "Deviled Beef Short Ribs," by Jeremy Sauer. In Cook's Country, April/May 2014, p. 12-13.

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