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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Meal No. 3662: Cheeseburgers!

We wrapped up the brutally hot month of July last Wednesday and marked the occasion with an iconic summer supper: cheeseburgers with diner sauce and an ample supply of crushed BBQ kettle chips (thanks, Walmart!!). With the burgers prepped and vacuum-sealed a while back, the sous vide did most of the work and I finished them off with a good pan sear in a skillet, and that’s where the glory of cheese comes in!

As that final day of July unrolled itself across the city, it brought with it strong hot breezes and a return to temps in the 90s. I managed quite a good sweat that morning with a quick mowing of the lawn, the first time in just over six weeks—it’s been so hot and very dry this month! I wanted to get that done before showering and settling in to a short introductory virtual session with Dakar Academy’s new teachers and administrators.

This was followed by the onsite visit of a comfort specialist with Webb Heating & Air Conditioning, as we look ahead to replacing both HVAC systems for the house.

Scarlett seems to be doing quite well following that necessary procedure on her ladyparts the day before—she had a trouble-free night and awoke with a spirited appetite so that getting her next pain pill was easy. She spent the day quiet and resting but still in good spirits. I didn’t know how hard it might be to corral her activity but she seems to be more than committed to her own careful and well-paced restoration. She is a marvelous young lady, growing into adulthood while retaining all her spritely puppy charm. And her attraction to staying sequestered in the dark cavern underneath the recliner’s footrest left me desperate for the following pun: she had it spayed in the shade.

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