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Friday, July 9, 2021

Meal No, 2878: Rosemary Garlic Lamb and Potato Hash

Hacher, from the French: "to chop." Hence, our Americanized or Anglicized word "hash," to generally refer to a dish of chopped meat, onions, and potatoes, plus whatever else might suit your fancy. On the final day of June at the Roediger House, this was a chance to try out a new recipe where ground lamb was the featured meat in a hash dish. I'm so fond of roasted potatoes that I spiced and oven-baked them first, along with spiced cauliflower florets. This was a fine Wednesday evening meal and a good find for a new dish with lamb. (It seems that my most common lamb dish is lamb meatloaf, which of course is made with the ground lamb that I am most likely to buy. But I remember when I used to be more adventurous, and buy lamb chops to grill, or more rarely leg of lamb or rack of lamb...!)

Based on "Rosemary Garlic Ground Lamb and Potatoes," by Ashley Singh Thomas, founder of the food blog My Heart Beets.

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