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Monday, October 30, 2023

Meal No. 3471: Roasted Spiced Salmon & Broccoli

Oh, the long-overdue glory of roasted salmon and roasted broccoli, a befitting suppertime indulgence at the end of a glorious, warm, sunny Friday afternoon in Winston-Salem. It's mind-blowing that this was our weather so close to the start of November, with a high of 80°F that day, along with some great outside time while the leaves were just a-falling. A seven-week gap in having this most favored menu left me craving it to an almost unhinged degree.

Some moderate raking endeavors, quickly defeated in the face of the leafy onslaught, was the limit of my yard was so much nicer to enjoy soaking up the sun in the backyard while the dogs frolicked, or while they kept sentry watch for possible squirrel activity. They did not take time to spot this katydid, when it flew across the front grove and alighted on the leaf of a dying cherry tree:

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