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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Meal No. 3453: Italian Milk-Braised Pork Loin

With Kristen and Mookie bringing the delight of their company to the house this past Monday evening, it called for a noteworthy meal. Deep into the archives I dove, emerging with a recipe I'd made only once before, back in 2014: Italian milk-braised pork loin, together with roasted broccoli and a meager mess of stuffing. We all seemed to think it was a pretty fine supper.

The new house pooch continues to settle in, and that morning showed Sumner's expanding openness to his new little sister. Their play has been high-spirited but not mean-spirited, and watching him offer up a mutual Kong bone was a bit heart-warming.

As I noted in the blog entry that went live last Monday, that day marked my 20th anniversary of buying the Roediger House. While the main original portion of this place boasts eight fireplaces, they are narrow and shallow because they were designed for burning coal. When the new kitchen was built on the back side of the house, and completed in 2009, I included a full-size wood-burning fireplace, which has brought much joy over the intervening years. Monday also marked the latest restocking of the firewood, uncharacteristically early in the season for this guy. When Bobby himself, at a spry age 82, was the one to bring the load, we chatted amiably while off-loading the split hardwood together. I was pleased about the North Carolina Tar Heels license plate on the front of his truck, while laboring hard to ignore the Trump hat on his head. (You can't spell "hate" without hat, y'know.) In my OCD fashion, I sorted the firewood and stacked it myself, because on a cold or dreary winter's day when I'm basking in a blazing fire, I want the next pieces of kindling to be right where I need 'em for the quick grab and go.

"Italian Milk-Braised Pork," by Lan Lam. In Cook's Illustrated, Number 127 (March & April, 2014), p. 10-11.

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