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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Meal No. 2965: Boeuf Bourguignon

Oh my gosh: last Sunday night's supper was stupendous. I found a chuck tender roast on sale and decided it was time, with the relentness breezy chill of early November, for a big ol' braised beef pot o'stew. The incredibly flavorful sauce, the tender near-shredded beef, all on a bed of increasingly-rare creamy buttery mashed potatoes: too amazing. I think I'd only used this specific recipe one other time, almost exactly three years ago. It's worth keeping higher on my reach-for list.

The end of Daylight Saving Time and a multi-day stretch of unseasonably cold windy weather left me chilled to the bone. I've turned on the heat but was timid about raising it in order to achieve relief. And it was a full day without water at the house, as the city-county utilities folks were replacing a valve at the corner, and that robbed us of service until almost bedtime.

Based on "Slow Cooker Boeuf Bourguignon," by Emma Christensen of [Published 10 October 2018]

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