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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Meal No. 3538: Skillet Pan Pizza

As the fullness of a grey Friday played out to wrap up last week in downtown Winston-Salem, the chance to observe National Pizza Day was enticing enough to make an accommodating supper menu. This is one of three of these days devoted to pizza: both cheese pizza and pepperoni pizza have their own days at other times of the year. For my tastes the other night, I did like the sound of pepperoni with a homemade NY-style pizza sauce, all on that thick and tasty pan pizza crust, with no shortage of both cheddar and mozzarella cheeses (and perhaps some grated parmesan snuck in there as well).

I might at last have worked up a good appetite with the chores of the day. It took me far too long to address it, but I finally got the shop vac out and also set up my pump and hose so that I could get rid of most of the standing water in the cellar. That was a huge task.

I also found time for yard work, too, doing a bit of mid-winter weeding from the kitchen garden plot, cleaning up around the daylilies, and getting up a lot of the remaining leaves. Then I fired up the older lawn mower so that I could knock down all the monkey grass, almost too late in the winter but it was needed. Then it was time to break out the blower and clear off the driveway before the coming rains arrived. It was enough to tucker me out...and to wolf down that pizza pronto.

Pizza Crust based on "Fool-Proof Pan Pizza," by J. Kenji López-Alt, culinary consultant for [Updated 30 March 2023]

"Homemade NY-Style Pizza Sauce," by J. Kenji López-Alt, culinary consultant for [Updated 17 February 2023]

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