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Thursday, August 3, 2023

Meal No. 3411: Brioche French Toast

July sought an exit well-matched to its entrance into 2023: hot and stifling. By the time we rolled up into suppertime last Thursday, in a quiet household transitioning from a longer-term summer guest to the brief overnight stay of two passers-through, and with me about to embark on a superfast overseas trip, the loaf of brioche in the cabinet controlled the dinner decision-making. A gracious batch of warm, eggy, sweet and lightly-spiced French toast came out of the skillet and landed on three happy plates, still leaving enough room to wrap up the night with the last of the skillet peach cobbler and the remaining homemade vanilla ice cream. None was made available to this kamikaze junebug who divebombed me a few hectic times before landing awfully close to my driveway morning coffee earlier in the week:

And prolific continue to be the tomato plants this summer, with full daily harvesting a necessity:

"French Toast," by PJ Hamel of King Arthur Baking online.

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