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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Meal No. 3424: Hamburger Supreme

Given that it had been nearly a year since I last made it, the compelling image of a big ol' plate of hamburger supreme was too much to resist last Tuesday evening. This easy dish that offers up hearty deliciousness once it's baked and rested has been in the Jones family cooking rotation for almost 50 years now. I've made it for so many people all the way back to my grad student days at Wake Forest in the late 1980s (and one summer, while housesitting, always accompanied by the Ennio Morricone soundtrack to The Mission). While it ain't great on my waistline, I was so ready for it anyway and lapped up every bit and morsel that evening.

By the way, I'd done the prep dishes clean-up and was waiting while this casserole baked, and I pulled up The Mission on YouTube, finding an incredible performance conducted by Morricone himself. Well worth a watch and listen.

"Hamburger Supreme," from the late Mrs. John T. (Glynn) Johnson of Buies Creek, North Carolina, via Janice Jones Bodenhamer.

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