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Monday, March 7, 2022

King Cake Cookies with Praline Pecan Topping

Lordy. This year I marked Mardi Gras not with a carnival or Krewe, but with cookies, more than a few!

Two years ago, just before the original Stay-at-Home orders at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I marked Mardi Gras with two different cookies appropriate to the occasion. The more involved and more impressive of those got its repeat run this past week, for me to have on hand for my aspiring administrators' cohort on March 1st, over in Davie County. Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you praline pecan-topped King Cake cookies. According to that previous blog post on 'em, I was not impressed. This time was a different story: they were remarkable.

If one follows the directions in the recipe, it involves an interesting extra step that's for the flavor, since the appearance is lost to the praline topping: coating the balls of dough in cinnamon sugar before rolling each ball into a rope so that the cookie can be formed from a spiral. I'm glad I went through with this step: it infused the cookie base with an extra sweet-spiced punch.

"King Cake Cookies with Praline Pecan," from Bree Hester of Adapted from a recipe originally developed by Aimee Broussard.

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