In the late 90s, as a pretty regular getaway from Charlottesville, and then through a good chunk of the early 2000s, because of lots of teaching and consulting in the area, I made lots and lots of trips that included stays with my friends Cindy Coulson and Harley Knowles. So many meals eaten at their table, and so many recipes that I walked away from those visits with! I should have made a label/blogpost tag for Cindy a long time ago to easily find all the meals I've made that have a connection to her or to my visits to Winchester, VA. Anyway: a pretty regular dish we enjoyed and that I made a lot after I permanently moved to Winston-Salem was chicken breasts in sour cream. But alas: I have put it aside for nearly 11 years now, having only made it once, for Meal No. 39, since the kitchen addition was completed and the tracking of all meals was initiated. I brought it back Sunday a week ago, along with layered green bean casserole and the last of the broccoli I'd bought, roasted to a nice charred perfection.
Quite a few things are included in blog entries, not so much because I think the blog's small but faithful audience has an insatiable desire for all tidbits large and small...but because it really helps me with my inclination to record and document. Dinner may have been especially good to me that night because I'd once again headed out for a circuit around Salem Lake on my bike (my fourth time), and then also included taking the spur trail down to Quarry Park (the second trek there) as well.
Round trip came in right at 24 miles, and I still managed to get in a 3-mile walk with Sumner (at an under-15-minute-mile pace, at that!). So, food tastes awesome.
"Chicken Breasts in Sour Cream," from Ann Lafferty via Cindy Coulson, 13 July 1997.
"Layered Green Bean Casserole," a long-time Jones family favorite.
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