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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Setting Up for the Summer Season

As we rolled on into the good days of early April, following Easter, with the blessing of good weather and sunny days, I was able to indulge in some outside activities that bring on the giddy vibes of warm weather. The first of those was a much overdue scrubbing of the 2005 Toyota Tundra.

While I knew it was looking neglected, I didn't realize how awful the tree drip and staining was. It took better than three hours, with a few well-spaced breaks, but I was reasonably pleased with the result, given that it's a vehicle that's over 15 years old.

Wanting to wash the truck got me to initiate the first phase of setting up the irrigation system for its cycles now that winter is over. I flushed the main lines that day so that I could hook the hose up to one of the yard hydrants I installed.

Phase Two for prepping the system to return to operation was flushing the zones and cleaning all the sprinkler nozzles. It was closer to the end of April before I got that done.

With the sprinklers back in operation, I spread new grass seed, especially for filling in patchy spots, and also fertilized. Then I put the Rachio controller schedules into play so that a regular watering schedule could occur automatically. So far, it looks like my do-it-yourself irrigation system is still fully and properly functional following its winter dormancy! One might consider it especially appropriate—a bon mot, even—to suggest I'm pumped.

Finally, that early-to-mid April time was glorious for the azaleas, and while I was doing all my outdoor chores, Sumner took up a happy lay spot amongst them, and it sure felt like we were doing senior portraits.

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