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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meal No. 3647: Departure Breakfast for the OK Crew

Sunday a week ago saw the happy visit of dear Oklahoma friends come to its inevitable conclusion. Fortunately, their departure was timed so that I could sneak in one final meal with them, a breakfast-styled small spread of faithful stand-ins like sous vide egg bites (scallions, Gruyère, and bacon) and creamy stone-ground grits. I also made an amazing apple cider doughnut loaf for the second time, a sort-of-involved "quick" bread but well worth it once you sample a slice.

"Apple Cider Doughnut Loaf Cake," by Sarah Jampal. In Bon Appétit, September 2020, p. 56, 57, 76. [Published 14 October 2020]

Based on "How to Sous Vide Egg Bites at Home," from Jenna Passaro of [Published 08 July 2021 / Modified 31 August 2021]

Guidance for making the creamy grits: Luquire Family Stone Ground Grits, milled in Greenwood, SC.

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