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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

National Chocolate Eclair Day

Making only their fourth appearance during the 16-year run of the Roediger House blog comes the worst failing batch of chocolate éclairs I've ever had the displeasure of trying to make. Every element of it was a bust weekend before last, even though I carried it through to the end. The pastry cream was soupy; the choux pastry baked to a decent texture...but puffed up zilch and was a tad fragile; and even the straightforward chocolate shell topping was off. It sure was a lot of work to try to fall in line with National Chocolate Éclair Day, and what a huge let-down when it was all said and done with.

"Vanilla Bean Pastry Cream," from Chef John Mitzewich of Published on [Updated 26 November 2022]

"Classic Eclair Recipe," from Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen. [Updated 15 May 2020]

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