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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cobbler Options for the Grand Chili Gathering

The first Friday night of July found the Roediger House full of laughter and fun, with two sets of old friends becoming new friends with one another. Once we'd cleaned our chili bowls and licked up the tender crumbs from our honey wheat cornbread, we sat a spell at the dining room table before setting our minds to the next important task: choosing a fruit cobbler to go with the homemade vanilla ice cream.

Both cobblers were new trials, and both turned out to be pretty good. Aunt Gerry's blackberry cobbler probably had the edge, though!

That doesn't mean there was anything wrong with the peach cobbler, which I dug in part because I like the cobbler to dominate the fruit, and I'd inadvertently skimped a bit on the peaches. My go-to sweet milk vanilla ice cream had been churned a few days before and was ready to go along for the ride. This turned out to be a pretty apt choice for our sweet conclusion to a special night's mealtime, before we headed up to the third floor for more talk, some pool playing, and some friendly game competition.

"Gerry's Blackberry Cobbler," by Baritone Bob. In allrecipes, Summer 2024, p. 43. Also found online at [Updated 14 January 2022]

"Peach Cobbler," by Lauren Allen. On [Updated 14 March 2024]

"Sweet Milk Ice Cream," published in the King Arthur Flour catalogue some years ago, but no longer available on their website.

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