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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Meal No. 3635: Chicken Tenders on Power Greens

As we rolled up into the final Monday of June, the mid-afternoon fare was simple and a much-needed dose of healthy: power greens topped with spiced chicken tenders, and more of that lemony Sunshine Dressing I'd made for the first time just a few days before.

After the preceding weekend’s oppressive heat, with the vibrant festivities and teeming streets on Saturday and the sequestered siesta’d quiet on Sunday, the strong dancing breezes of a more moderate Monday morning started off the week in a fashion worth reveling in. Both cups of fresh coffee and a long sit for reading Aldous Huxley that Monday morning felt like an unearned indulgence. The grand forgiving shade cast by the resilient Bradford pear tree carved an arc of sanctuary for these mild-mannered restful pursuits. As the day moved forward, though, the heavy heady heat was once more in control, and I was all the more glad not to have blown the start of day's better opportunities.

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