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Monday, July 15, 2024

Our Breakfast Stand-ins for the July Fourth Holiday Week

The guests during the opening week of July are always easy-peasy and always the best to have staying here. They are incredibly undemanding and exceptionally accommodating, and I in turn like to try to play suitable host. Here's a blog update to catalogue the breakfast-adjacent snackables that came out of the morning kitchen labors, starting with Tuesday July 2nd and pictured above: blueberry muffins, tender and sweet and terribly satisfying to accompany that second-cup-of-coffee need-to-nibble.

On Thursday July the Fourth, it was time to put those over-ripe bananas to work, in the form of mini-banana bread loaves. I put those into the oven while I was cooling down from my 3.2-mile downtown stroll (executed before it could get too blasted hot that day!). That way they could appear for the crew just before the mid-day hungries kicked in.

When Friday rolled around, I got busy with a breakfast cake, intending that it should be lemon-raspberry. Alas, the raspberries had already gone fuzzy in the fridge! So a last-minute substitution of blackberries took their place. While the recipe author reports with pleasure it is one of her most popular recipes, it was not especially popular with me. I think in the future I need to remember to reach instead for the June 2009 issue of Gourmet magazine, for therein is a raspberry-buttermilk breakfast cake version that I remember having much more success with back in the days of the old kitchen.

"Perfect Blueberry Muffins," from Sue Moran of The View from Great Island. [Published 13 July 2021]

"Carolyn's Banana Bread," a recipe shared by former neighbor Lori Pilon.

Adapted from "Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake," from Alexandra Stafford of Alexandra's Kitchen. [Published 29 June 2011 / Updated 11 June 2024]

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