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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Meal No. 3000: The Christmas Feast with Friends

On the occasion of the 3000th meal since the completion of the rebuilt kitchen here at the Roediger House, what better celebration than for it to revolve around a great gathering of family and friends. We love the Thanksgiving meal so much that it gets brought back when we can. Christmas is that first repeat opportunity.

That yearly feast occurred Sunday night, with seven around the kitchen table. The turkey was buttermilk-brined and spatchcocked, but its smaller size (compared to last month) was an important detail that I failed to plan properly for. The dark meat did overcook, unfortunately, but the breasts were still luscious.

The turkey gravy, made from long-simmered stock (giblets, neck, backbone, vegetables), was tasty.

The apple-bacon stuffing was well-received by the crew.

Layered green bean casserole never disappoints.

The slow-cooker sweet potato casserole was tasty, and this year I actually went to the trouble to roast sweet potatoes instead of falling back on the ease of canned yams.

Prior to dinner, which made all of our bellies hurt, there was a return to the homemade Collins Against Humanity game, which also made bellies hurt from the deep and hearty chuckles it induced.

Buttermilk-Brined Spatchcocked Whole Turkey based on:

"Layered Green Bean Casserole," a Jones family favorite.

Adapted from "Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Topping," from Southern Living Slow-Cooker Cookbook,  (Oxmoor House, 2006), p. 234-235.

"Cornbread Stuffing with Apples and Bacon," from David Venable. Found online.

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