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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The WORST Chocolate Chip Cookies

Back on January 4th, I figured it was about time to come out of the kitchen with another sweet treat, and that involved trying out a new (to me) recipe for basic chocolate chip cookies. And they were pretty smashing. Sam Merritt gives them the tongue-in-cheek title of the WORST EVER, given how addicting they are, suggesting that they'll ruin your relationships and cause you to basically fall apart while you obsess over when you'll get your next bite of one of these cookies. I think one thing I liked a lot about them was how close they were to a homemade/from scratch version of the Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough log that was a staple of my childhood. Gracious. I ate four that day.

"The WORST EVER Chocolate Chip Cookies," from Sam Merritt of [Published 28 November 2018; Updated 13 November 2019]

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