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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Meal No. 3384: Chicken Supreme

It's been over five years since I brought out this recipe handed down from my mother, the rare deviation from her good but generally standard fare. I remember her treating it as experimental and unique and it may well have been: I've yet to find a comparable recipe on the web that does not go either the chicken divan route, or that doesn't require condensed soups and cheddar or processed cheese. Mother called it "Chicken Supreme," and it's cooked chicken and steamed or roasted broccoli florets covered in a simple lemon-mayo-sour cream sauce, with grated parmesan in the middle and on top. It's put under the broiler to finish with a bit of browning and a touch of crisping. It might be really good, or it might be warm nostalgia with the golden benefit of bringing to mind a wonderful mother...but I happily consumed it Thursday evening.

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