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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Meal No. 2804: Turkey Burgers

With a 3-pound package of ground turkey to use up, the balance of it was mixed up into turkey burgers, which were grilled up on Sunday afternoon. Intellectually, I can appreciate the marginally healthier choice that these might represent, being made from turkey instead of beef, but lordy I don't get why these ridiculous monstrosities would actually be preferable for those who are free to choose. Sit me down in a restaurant and tell me I can order either a beef burger or a turkey burger, and it's nowhere close to a contest, no matter how amazing that turkey burger purports to be.

To me, turkey burgers are an utterly incomprehensible disaster of an idea.

Prior to this past weekend, I wouldn't have said I had any major objections to ground turkey, thinking maybe I just wasn't especially drawn to it. Trying to work with it for the two different meals I just made, though, and I'm pretty much done. I'll be surprised if it shows up as part of any future Roediger House menus.

"Chef John's Turkey Burger," from Chef John on

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