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Saturday, June 8, 2024

White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Cream Sauce & Sweet Vanilla Milk Ice Cream

Oh, it sure was a special dessert treat on the final day of May: Applebee's-style white chocolate walnut blondies, topped with a sweet maple cream sauce, and accompanied by scoops of homemade sweet vanilla milk ice cream. For the inaugural visit of neighbors Ashley and Alex to the house, this was meant to be a glorious start to a much-hoped-for string of future evenings together.

"White Chocolate Walnut Blondies with Maple Cream Sauce," from Jillian Hatsumi of [Published 23 July 2018]

"Sweet Milk Ice Cream," published in the King Arthur Flour catalogue some years ago, but the recipe is no longer available on their website.

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