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Saturday, June 29, 2024

National Vanilla Milkshake Day

It was a deliberate choice not to let National Vanilla Milkshake Day go uncelebrated, so Thursday a week ago the late afternoon dessert was a rare item in our dessert stable. There is something special and evocative of childhood when this concoction fills a tall cup, with oversized straws and unrivaled satisfaction.

This incredible treat was probably boosted quite a few levels because I had made a batch of super-rich fully-yolked New England-style vanilla bean ice cream to go along with what still remained from the earlier batch of sweet milk ice cream. I had to use a ticket-taker's counter clicker to tally the number of tops that took the milkshakes over.

"Dense, Chewy, and Rich New England-Style Ice Cream," from Max Falkowitz, former senior features editor of [Updated 28 February 2019]

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