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Monday, June 10, 2024

Meal No. 3619: BBQ-Spiced Chicken Thighs

The previous week was spent on the road, divided between Virginia and Florida, with about 1,500 miles driven in my fine new automobile. With the last day being so marvelous as I wrapped up the latest Project CRISS training with teachers in Jacksonville, that 6.5-hour drive home had me arriving at bedtime Thursday night. I hope that makes it seem reasonable to keep things easy on Friday, as I settled in back at home and caught up on some paperwork and made a quick shopping run and snuck in a nap. Once more I was glad for the sous vide immersion circulator, so I could bring BBQ-spiced chicken thighs out of the freezer and drop them in to leisurely cook for a few hours to a perfect tender temperature. Some garlicked asparagus cuts with more Shenandoah herbs and seasoning roasted most gloriously, and the lazy weekender in me was happy to once more have a pot of stovetop stuffing. I often eat poorly when I'm on work trips; this meat and two sides was just what this doctor ordered.

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