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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mamaw Emily's Strawberry Cake

So as not to mislead you, let me state for the record that I am not on a first-name basis with Mamaw Emily. But her daughter-in-law was sufficiently motivated to bring a new burst of happiness into the bliss of wedded life that she sought to create the cake her husband's mother was famous for making. Thanks to Taste of Home, the rest of us might hope to achieve a similar measure of household harmony and joy. When the crew gathered to fill the six seats at the dinner table last Thursday, our dessert was a modern realization of Mamaw Emily's strawberry cake. The convenience of cake mix is herein acknowledged, a step I try rarely to take. I mean: I confess to manifesting a prideful beam when I can pull off a successful result with a from-scratch layer cake, as happened the other time I made a strawberry version. As for our degrees of satisfaction last week, the general consensus was one of delight, methinks: a summer-themed slice of layered and frosted goodness to wrap up another great night together.

"Mamaw Emily's Strawberry Cake," from Jennifer Bruce of Manitou, Kentucky. Published on [Updated 19 November 2023]

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