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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Meal No. 3503: Mexican Chicken and Rice

As the house continued in its half-chilled state, while the downstairs heating system was on the fritz, my ideas about meals gravitated towards simple, relatively quick, and unfussy. And yet: it still needed to be good! So Saturday's choice was Mexican chicken and rice, also known as arroz con pollo, with a straightforward dependable recipe that's been enjoyed here ever since its source recipe magazine arrived in the mail. While it's got great flavor all on its own, adorning it with a tasty batch of white chile cheese dip is just the crowning touch it needed. That was a terrific end to a day that started out looking like this:

Given that this post captures events from last Saturday, it is publishing on the day of the Winter Solstice. I've always got a duality of feeling operating on this day: a bit of dread that we now will head into the depths of true winter, and gladness that the days will begin, slowly, to get longer, allowing me to anticipate all those marvelous joys of the advent of springtime. Ah, but this specific morning is still very much about winter's early arrival, especially to the downstairs while we awake to—and endure—Day 8 without heat.

"Mexican Chicken & Rice," in Cuisine at Home, Issue No. 115 (January/February 2016), p. 10-11.

"The Best Mexican White Cheese Dip," from

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