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Friday, September 29, 2023

Meal No. 3447: Tender Pork Chops

For reasons I'll explain in the next paragraph, I scrapped my Sunday night dinner plan and used sous vide pork chops as the fallback, along with easy roasted spiced potatoes and broccoli florets. It was pretty delicious and a bit too abundant.

Say hello to Scarlett, who has now said hello to the Roediger House. Sumner has a sister he never knew he wanted or needed, and their first day together turned out to be pretty smooth. The following details are subject to verification, but at this point it's believed that she is about four months old and a German Shepherd and Husky mix. My neighbor down the street, who works at the nearby homeless support ministry, came along in hopes someone might be able to adopt her. We might describe this as a fateful moment to have been hanging out in the front yard! But the unhoused couple who had gotten Scarlett in a Craigslist meet-up needs to head back to Illinois and are unable to take her with them. She is a sweetie and I bet will be easily loved by all who encounter her here.

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