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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Meal No. 3446: Make-Do Murgh Makhani

With a sufficient portion of saved butter chicken sauce, and a seasoned pounded chicken breast sealed and stored in the freezer, a saucepan and the sous vide let me create a thrown-together approximation of murgh makhani over steamed rice last Saturday night. With spiced roasted cauliflower, it warmed my soul on a dreary weather day.

Autumn arrived that Saturday, on a day where Winston-Salem was once again in the outer bands of a passing tropical system that made landfall on the North Carolina coast in the wee hours of the morning. We had some gusts and on-and-off rain throughout the day, knowing all the while that it could always have been much worse. I certainly felt bad for our houseguests and the larger Bookmarks Festival attendees whose busy agenda of authors and talks and books, and authors talking about books, was marred, or at least complicated, by the nasty conditions.

The next day’s swept-clear skies and the full sunshine to greet us made for good Sunday morning sitting and coffee-sipping with Sumner. With the season’s shift came the early indications that the trees were ready to comply: high above the driveway I noted with mixed feelings the coloring coming to one of the maple trees.

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