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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Meal No. 3260: Boogaloo Wonderland Sandwiches

The day after Christmas (many people would call it "Boxing Day," but that's not a habit I seem to have developed) proved to be a terrific occasion for dinner and a movie. On the menu was the stepped-up meaty filling that makes one first think of sloppy joes but then never want to think of sloppy joes again: the Cook's Country delight we have come to enjoy called Boogaloo Wonderland Sandwiches. Designed to sit on Italian rolls with cheese singles melted astride, I decided instead to make huge French bread loaves. The crew of five seemed to like the bread well enough but it was quite a lot of bread for said sammiches.

The bread loaves recipe is not too difficult and the results were massive. That's also why some of us added more of the meat to our plates to counter the bready abundance.

It seemed picnic-ish enough that a side dish of chilled macaroni salad would fit in.

And if you're gonna make two or three hard-boiled eggs for the macaroni salad, might as well go the full distance and produce a tray of creamy stuffed eggs.

By the way: the movie selection was that excellent film adaptation of the Broadway play, Auntie Mame...which was an outdoor movie night selection on July 4th, 2010.

"Boogaloo Wonderland Sandwiches," by Bryan Roof. In Cook's Country, April/May 2018, p. 4-5.

"'Old Reliable' French Bread," from Lizzie-Babette on

Macaroni Salad based on "Classic Macaroni Salad," by Jaclyn Bell of [Published 15 April 2017 / Updated 05 June 2020]

"Creamy Stuffed Eggs," a recipe shared with me by Barbara Huneycutt of Crozet, VA.

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