By the time this entry posts, much of the country is set to be just easing past a terrible deep freeze and, for many, celebrating Christmas Day. But still in unbelievable arctic cold. It makes seem quaint that the grey low-40s cold of this past Tuesday locked me only into soupish mindset, but I'm glad it did, because that evening's chicken corn chowder was freakin' awesome. This recipe has been a faithful consistent option when the mood strikes, and I delight in each bowl of it.
"Indiana Corn and Potato Chowder," by Brannon Soileau from his restaurant Maize, An American Grill (formerly of Lafayette, IN). In Indiana Cooks!, by Christine Barbour and Scott Feickert with photographs by Tom Stio. Bloomington, IN: Quarry Books (2005), p. 64-65. You can find this, and quite a few other Indiana recipes, if you scroll to the bottom of this article: "Indiana Can Cook."
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