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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Meal No. 3221: Halloween Movies Gathering

Not that Halloween itself is a big deal around here anymore, but it's still worthy of some marking in some small way. In 2022, that meant bringing the Roediger House regulars over for a movie and some fun foods suitable for supper last Friday. On the menu: cheeseburger sliders on homemade slider rolls, party ham biscuits, and tortilla chips with southwestern dip. The movie: 1994's Interview with the Vampire, appropriate since more recently AMC's 2022 series based on the same novel has been part of the television lineup.

In the cabinet was still a second package of store-bought Hawaiian sweet rolls, from the previous weekend's Wake Forest friends brunch affair, which was dedicated to this repeat batch of party ham biscuits (pictured above). Since I was committed to trying the cheeseburger sliders recipe I'd recently come across (photo below), I let it inspire me to try my hand at homemade slider rolls. Boy, did they turn out soft and gorgeous and pleassantly golden brown!

The dough came together nicely and was a breeze to work with. What still needs improvement is my ability to equally divide and shape dough!

After the two rising times, the baking led to a gorgeous result:

Of course, one must then be sure that those lovely tops were brushed with a not-inconsequential amount of melted butter:

American cheese on the bottom layer of the split rolls, with the browned seasoned ground beef and sautéed finely-diced onions, finished in the skillet with that homemade beef-and-cheddar-melts sauce...

...then topped with freshly-grated sharp cheddar cheese and baked to a melty goodness (refer to earlier photo above).

Ah, but how about dessert? Check: dulce de leche cheesecake bars, a particular favorite of Gern's and a wise choice given he had just celebrated a birthday. Apparently it's been almost exactly five years since I made these delicious little treats.

"Southwestern Dip," in Betty Crocker Monthly Recipes, December 2001.

"Cheeseburger Sliders" [Published 27 March 2020] and "Soft Dinner Rolls" [Published 20 November 2020], by Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen.

"Beef & Cheddar Melts Sauce," a Roediger House creation.

"Party Ham Biscuits," a recipe shared with the Jones family by fellow UNC alum Susan Brown. I recorded her version in my recipe collection in 1988. There are various takes on this recipe, of course. Pretty popular is the "caramelized" version, such as this one: "Caramelized Ham & Swiss Buns," by Iris Weihemuller of Baxter, MN, in Taste of Home, December 2013, p. 59.

Horseradish Sauce based on "Horseradish Sauce Recipe," from Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen. [Published 07 February 2019]

"Dulce de Leche Cheesecake Bars," by Cindy Mushet. In Bon Appétit, June 2010, p. 96.

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