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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Gooey Chocolate Pudding Cake

After experiencing the marvelous and unique wonderfulness of lemon pudding cake, but dealing at that present moment with a chocolate craving this past Tuesday, I sought out a chocolate pudding cake recipe I might make. The problem is that what I turned up wasn't an airy whipped-egg whites spongy cake but more of the lava-style, heavier, dense, much richer cake...and still delicious. As the 15-plus-hour rain event finally moved off in the early evening, I gladly served up sticky bowls of this new goodness. The fudgy punch was satisfying but I'll hope for more opportunities to indulge in other variations in the future.

Unfortunately, it was just as I was beginning to enjoy my bowl of chocolate pudding cake that I looked down at the carpet up on the third floor and got a bit of a shock.

I've staged these photos, because I'm feeling dramatic in the midst of my anger and frustration, but in spite of a generous collection of chew toys, it seems that the new pup Scarlett thought the better choice was to chew a frickin' hole in the massive carpet of the mancave. I'm writing this several hours after seeing this damage and I am still vibrating in anger, quite frankly.

It was a lot more distressing than finding that the cellar had half flooded thanks to over two inches of rain falling that day.

The watches and warnings that kept rolling in through that day, as that huge, potent, and unpredictable system moved through, allowed us a joyful send-off before dark had fallen, bringing in a hint of late afternoon light from the hopeful western sky, and the promise of some blue as one looks east over the skyline.

Within a quarter hour, the fullness of night had settled in over the city, but with a resurgence of depressing cloud cover.

"Gooey Chocolate Pudding Cake," from Holly Nilsson of [Published 13 May 2020 / Updated 07 July 2020]

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