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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cyprus Moves In

I grew up in a household with no pets. But I have regularly, frequently, and persistently loved the pets of other people. I think I have long been the guy that hardly pays attention to whatever conversation we're having because I'm busy petting or rubbing the cat or dog in whatever residence I might be hanging out in.

Perhaps the dreadful guilty feeling I had about the recent feral cat unpleasantness led me to reconsider my long-standing opposition to having a pet of my own. And I also began to wrap my mind around the possibility of a dog when it looked like some dear friends were going to have one who needed a home, and I found myself quite ready to offer the Roediger House as that home.

Anyway, meet the new resident of the Roediger House.

Her name is Cyprus and she is a rescue dog, obtained from the Winston-Salem Animal Adoption and Rescue Foundation. Not sure about her breed mix. The best guess is that she's between one and two years old. She had puppies the day after being abandoned at the shelter but they have been weaned off and distributed elsewhere. She is house-trained, crate-trained, and responsive already to some basic commands.

Tonight, Erin at AARF (who has also been Cyprus's foster mom) was willing to let Cyprus be picked up, rather than having to wait until the usual adoption fair held every Saturday.

Cyprus is already settling in, and I think she's marvelous.

Here are a few other pictures that Erin had sent me when it was the in-between time: in between meeting (and falling in love with) Cyprus at the last adoption fair and when the adoption was completed.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so happy for RoHo and it's newest resident!

Todd Kelly said...

Hear! Hear! Congratulations on a fine addition to the family.