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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Late-Night Visitor to the North Parlour

Just about 20 minutes ago, I was headed from the kitchen area to the bedroom to grab an Advil. But I had a surprise waiting for me when I got to the entry hallway, which the master bedroom opens onto. Skirting along the wall was an adorable but unwelcome baby possum. He dashed into the north parlour. I followed him and made sure I got the doors closed. He got up under the love seat in there, which is what I was trying to get a photograph of in the shot above. I didn't take a lot of time with set-up, because I felt sure I had all the time in the world to figure out how to catch him and what to do about him. And I thought I'd have some really fun pictures of this creature to put up here on the blog.

What I didn't anticipate was how smart he'd be. There is a hole in the floor, probably from back when there was a radiator in front of the side window, that leads down into the crawl space under the two front parlour rooms. Maybe that's also how he'd gotten in...I never have thought enough about it being a breach in my home security. Now, though, I've got it blocked over with steel wool until I can get around to getting a plain brass plate to put over the top of it.

Several times over the last week, I had seen what I assume is the mama skirting late-night along the rear retaining wall, at the back of the back yard. And just this evening, I set out the Havahart® trap again, with my intention being to catch the possum and take it out of town somewhere to drop off. I'll keep you faithful blog readers posted as to the success of these efforts.

But now I'm a bit worried: there are babies, maybe under my crawlspace, and I do not want to take their mother away from them.

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