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Monday, July 18, 2022

Meal No. 3141: Savory Breakfast Bread Pudding

With friend and colleague Jeremy coming in for a few days to visit last Tuesday, I had a prepped meal that could easily be tossed into the oven depending upon his travel down from Virginia. And it had the remarkable virtue of being that rare treat of BFD: breakfast for dinner. The main feature was savory bread pudding, a definite step-up from the typical bread-milk-sausage-cheese casserole that was a staple of my growing-up years. I also made creamy grits and had some strawberries and blackberries for color and a sweet side.

And speaking of sweet things, I had some limes that looked like they were aging a bit and so I juiced them and found them to be perfect for a large batch of shortbread lime bars to celebrate the Verdant Fantastica Full Moon that was gracing us that mid-week. Isn't that shade of green perfect for the special occasion?

"Savory Bread Pudding," from King Arthur Baking. [recipe clipping]

Guidance for making the creamy grits: Luquire Family Stone Ground Grits, milled in Greenwood, SC.

Adapted from "Lemon Bars," by Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa. Published in Barefoot Contessa Parties!, Clarkson Potter Publishers, 2001.

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