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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Meal No. 1460: Potato and Cheese Soup

Let's not kid ourselves: it's turned mighty cold. When I woke up early yesterday morning (so that I could get to a local middle school for an all-day professional development), my weather app told me it was a brisk and nose-hair-freezing 13°F here in Winston-Salem. No, no, no: that won't do!

It was almost as cold as that on Monday, which led me to make a big pot of hearty potato and white cheddar soup for the three of us gathered around the table.

I might have gotten carried away with the amount of freshly-grated cave-aged sharp white cheddar cheese that was needed, but we didn't seem to care.

"Potato and Cheese Soup," from a cooking class at KitchenArt in West Lafayette, Indiana.

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