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Monday, February 10, 2020

Pimento Cheese Sausage Balls / Party Ham Biscuits

I'm glad my attention was drawn to a recipe for pimento cheese sausage balls, because they are a decent step up from the Bisquik-box version that the Jones family has made for decades. For a late morning snack on the final Tuesday of January, I mixed up a batch and enjoyed them fresh and hot out of the oven...and tucked the rest of them away in the freezer so they can be brought out at a moment's notice for overnight guests or to quiet a rumbling belly.

A few days later, I reached for the Costco-sized two-pack of Hawaiian party rolls in order to make a new batch of party ham biscuits, a sweet and savory treat that's perfect for a quick meal-on-the-go or a day-starting snack...and I'm glad I had enough on hand to last several days as well as a pan-full that I could take down the street to share with the neighbors.

"Pimento Cheese Sausage Balls," by Kate Robertson Parrish of the ScratchMade Southern blog. [Published 20 March 2019]

"Party Ham Biscuits," a recipe shared with our family by Susan Brown and recorded in my recipe collection in 1988. There are various versions of this recipe, of course. Pretty popular is the "caramelized" version, such as this one: "Caramelized Ham & Swiss Buns," by Iris Weihemuller of Baxter, MN, in Taste of Home, December 2013, p. 59.

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