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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Meal No. 2293: Roasted Salmon over Power Greens

Another delicious roasted salmon filet sat atop a mix of spinach, kale, and chard with a fresh batch of homemade creamy Caesar dressing, following a good day of coaching conversations at a local Winston-Salem high school Thursday.

Thursday was also Day 2 of our January polar vortex adjacency, with morning temps officially at 17°F when I took Sumner out for his first-of-the-day poop. Although street lights made it fruitless to attempt a photo, I was again delighted by the celestial display of Antares next to Jupiter next to a sliver of waning crescent moon which was just to the right of a startling Venus.

When I pulled up the Google Sky app, I could see that the arc continued with a full solar system choir all lurking in the eastern sky, although not visible to me: turning slowly left/toward the north, the app showed Saturn, then Pluto, then Mercury against a not-yet-dawned sun, then Neptune and Mars and Uranus. Pretty cool to "catch 'em" occupying basically a quarter slice of the morning sky.

"Easy Lemon Caesar Salad Dressing," by Kim of

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