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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Orangeades!

Growing up in Buies Creek, NC, we had two great sources of orangeades: the Oasis student snack bar on campus at Campbell College (now University); and the snack bar in the pro shop at Keith Hills golf course (developed and owned by Campbell as well). We could also get them at some of the local druggists, like Bill Randall's Lafayette Drug over in Lillington. But the secret to those made in those Campbell snack bars was the generous amount of simple syrup (and probably the nugget or flaked ice, as opposed to cubes, that they were served over).

A few years ago, I was gifted with a soda fountain-style juicer one Christmas but, with the renovation and addition project, I'd put it out of sight (and, therefore, out of mind).

I dug it out this afternoon after buying a bag of oranges at Sam's Club. I like the holiday tradition of having a homemade orangeade or two.

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