Projects like these need all the parts and pieces to come together at certain times and in certain ways. And when the forecast says rainy weather is going to monkey around with the order in which some things need to be done, it brings out the work teams bright and early on a pretty but chilly Saturday morning. The fireplace and chimney need to be done before the framing inspection can be completed, so the excellent start that the masons got yesterday is being built upon today. Pete and Robert are (at this very moment) marking off to cut the hole through the roof so that the masons can build the chimney up through it. (The fireplace chimney is completed right up to the ceiling beams, and I think they may go ahead and take an early lunch break while the cut-away is created.)
After Lunch Update:
Pete and Robert made a very smart hole in the roof and Ronnie and Casey and the James Masonry crew are building up above the roof line now, as I write a 1:15 pm update. I'm going a bit crazy with fireplace construction pictures, but you don't really mind all that much, do you?

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