While it was chilly yesterday, at least it was beautiful to look at, and the blue sky that shows up so well in the shots from this past week are a pretty good testament to that. Today, Thursday, is a different story. It is gray, overcast, cold, rainy. And the rainy stuff was falling on temps that had changed to freezing or below, so we ended up with two guys on the roof trying to tarp things and the roof, ladders, sheeting, and whatever else getting a thin glaze of ice. While it wasn't anything like a TV drama rescue or anything, Pete worked fast to get them down on the front side of the house. This weather map from about 15 minutes ago would lead you to believe that we were below the freezing rain line, but we had our dose of it. So everybody's under roof now, with four plumbers working out the issues of toilet drains in the second floor bathrooms and Pete's crew doing framing and trying to sheet the opening of the gable. I think the plan is to work tomorrow (Saturday) since it's going to be back to beautiful weather. Pete will probably not sleep too well until everything is under shingled roof.
Still, the day did finally give way to some later afternoon sun and Pete put the time to good use by working on framing the exterior opening of the new rear gable, including framing the window inset. Right now, it shows up as a huge square that will be sheeted over in the short-term; once the windows come in, it will be three windows with a half-moon over the center one. It oughta look nice for those who glance over as they drive up and down Broad Street.

1 comment:
I'm glad we ducked that ice weather on our job.
Looking good!
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