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Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Good, the Blooming, and the Ugly

The yard is confused. It was colder than normal for much of October and November, and then we've had two rather nice warm spells: around Christmas, and for a good bit of the last several days. One of my daffodils was an early starter all the way back on January 15th and it looked like it was going to have company in its confusion:

I was really shocked yesterday, though, to notice small blossoms on the Bradford pear tree, which normally does not bloom until late February:

The crocus have pushed up early as well, and there's at least one blossom bud waiting to spring forth...but I doubt it enjoyed last night's dip into the 20s.

By the time spring rolls around, I'm wondering if the only bit of snow we'll have seen will be the dusting (pictured above) from January 31st.

Winston-Salem got doused on Thursday with over four inches of rain, along with some serious winds that persisted into yesterday as the temps dropped from the 60s down into the low 40s. That left me with a lot of small limbs to pick up and I had to tie down the waste carts to keep them from blowing all over the driveway. I was not surprised that the south end of the cellar had a fair amount of standing water.

Speaking of the driveway, I simply do not understand why I get talked to like I'm an asshole when I tell people they can't park in my driveway just because it looks like it wouldn't be an issue. It wasn't exactly a nasty run-in that I had with trespassers yesterday but it still left me frustrated and angry by the time it was all said and done. I just don't think I'll ever understand folks who simultaneously believe that they can make decisions for me about ways they can use my property and then also dictate to me how I'm allowed to feel about it.

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