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Sunday, April 8, 2018

Meal No. 2079: Simple Easter Breakfast

My excitement could barely be contained when Sumner and I emerged early Easter Sunday morning (also, fittingly, April Fool's Day) and there, at the bluebird house, was a bluebird couple, checking things out.

It's been almost two years since I'd seen any sign of bluebirds here, and before that I'd never seen them at all. I'm sure downtown, in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, isn't the ideal location for them.

Even in the sanctuary of my quarter-acre plot, it's still too busy, with a dog and all those other birds and people all too I fear my birdhouse rental will remain uninhabited. After their two visits that Sunday morning, I did see the male near the house again a few days later...and then nothing.

Before Cameron and Shirley departed Easter Sunday morning for their long, long drive back to Orlando, I put together a simple breakfast for us. It included sausage balls, butterscotch bundt cake, and creamy Southern grits:

"Sausage Balls," from my mother's recipe book. A slightly enhanced recipe can be found on

Guidance for making the creamy grits: Luquire Family Stone Ground Grits, milled in Greenwood, SC.

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