While the rest of the country and perhaps the Western world is anticipating overstuffing itself on Saturday, when it is truly Christmas Day, that's not the way I'm playing it this year. Instead, on the eve of Christmas Eve, it seemed a good time to invite a few of the usual cast of regulars over and whip up the enormous holiday feast.

So, there was an herbed turkey breast, sweet potato casserole, corn pudding, green bean casserole, stuffing, and gravy.

And around here, with these great countertops, most meals are served up buffet style.

And once all the plates were piled high, the warmth of the cooking became the warmth of good fellowship among good friends.

I love this meal and can't understand why it is only made once or twice a year. (That's why the Roediger House social calendar expanded this past year to include "Thanksgiving on the Half-Year."

Oh: I also made (for the first time in several years) my mom's recipe for cranberry salad, which is a pretty sweet concoction but it never quite seems a proper holiday feast without it.
Would you be willing to share your mom's recipe for cranberry salad with me? It looks divine.
CRANBERRY SALAD from Allison M. Jones
2 C cranberries
1/2 C diced celery
2 pkg (3 oz each) raspberry gelatin
1 & 1/2 C boiling water
1 & 1/2 C sugar
2 red apples
2 oranges
1 C chopped pecans
Chop/process cranberries and celery. Spread in 9x13 dish.
Add sugar to boiling water. Stir in gelatin. Cool. Pour gelatin mixture over cranberries.
Cut up apples and mix into gelatin mixture.
Extract pulp/juicy pieces from orange sections and stir into gelatin mixture.
Stir in pecan pieces.
Chill until firm.
Thanks, mate!
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