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Saturday, January 6, 2018

Meal No. 1998: Indian Butter Chicken

On the final night of 2017, the dinner menu at the Roediger House was another new recipe for the Instant Pot: Indian Butter Chicken. It was on a list of Instant Pot recipes that had been sent to me to try out. Fortunately for me, coconut milk and garam masala are always on the pantry shelf. It was mighty good and is likely to reappear.

The winter holiday cold snap is continuing. We were forecast for sunny skies and a high of 32°F that day, but it quickly became overcast and here at the house we never got above 24°F. I got a raging fire going first thing that morning and kept it going till bedtime.

In the ongoing chronicle of various things related to the Roediger House, this was the 36th fire in the new kitchen fireplace, since its first use New Year's Eve 2009.

"Pressure Cooker Indian Butter Chicken," from Jay's Sweet -N- Sour Life.

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