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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meal No. 1382: Filipino Chicken Adobo

After a good but long day of peer observations with teams of teachers over in Guilford County, I got home late Monday afternoon in time for a meeting here at the house with a member of the Curry School of Education's Foundation team. I'm glad to hear that funds are being raised to name a classroom space for my friend, advisor, and mentor Jerry Moore and his wonderful wife Joan, and I look forward to contributing to that effort.

Then I switched into dinner prep mode, because a neighbor from across the street was coming over to the house for the first time. The street I live on is dotted with a lot of rentals and apartments and so the population tends to be pretty transient. I've not been all that good at reaching out as much as I should. This counts as one of the exceptions.

I went with the reliable stand-by of filipino chicken adobo but I need to realize my fondness for dark-brewed soy sauce is not the best choice in a long-simmering chicken dish. I thought things were on the over-cooked side of the ledger and the sauce even got a little gummy. But hey: it still satisfied even if it failed to inspire confidence in the Roediger House's culinary prowess.

"Introducing Chicken Adobo," by Bryan Roof. In Cook's Illustrated, March & April 2012, p. 6-7.

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